IBU Bazaar 2023: An Extra Colorful Day of Discovery

IBU Bazaar 2023: An Extra Colorful Day of Discovery

Hello, Plate Story family!

On the 16th of July, we participated in one of the most exciting young parents' events of the year: the 

IBU x ASTRA Family Bazaar 2023!
Held at KL Gateway Mall in Malaysia and with over 4,500 visitors.

The bazaar provided kids and their parents with a fun-filled day with insightful talks and fun activities galore - bazaar shops, a petting zoo, kids' playful activities, a family photo booth, and charity.

The Plate Story was more than thrilled to connect with Malaysian Moms, Dads, and their kids as we showcased our unique and personalized children’s tableware to the bustling crowd.

The air was charged with excitement as we set up our stall and adorned our table with our diverse range of products.

A Warm and Welcoming Crowd

The crowd at The Plate Story stall was a sight to behold. Parents and kids alike were drawn to our animal children’s gift set but their faces lit up as they oohed and aahed over our animal design cutlery pieces for ONLY RM5 comes with our freebies - new Kid’s Snackware Collection, FREE!


As part of our special promotion, we offered up to 30% off on all designs of our Happy Smile gift set, ONLY RM45 for our animal designs - Bunny, Owl, Panda, and Tiger.

The Happy Smile sets and Healthy Tray with animal designs were a hit among the young ones, while the vibrant hues of our latest Colorful Snack Collection caught the eyes of many passersby and drew them into our little corner of the bazaar.
Crafting Colorful Memories

Throughout the day, our customers posed for photos with our products. Each snapshot captured a moment of joy created around our tableware. Such moments remind us why we do what we do — to bring a touch of personalization and joy to every meal.

Our founder was right there in the thick of it all, engaging with customers, sharing our brand story, and soaking up the vibrant atmosphere of the bazaar.

It was truly a day of connection, of sharing our passion for personalized tableware, and of seeing firsthand the impact our products have on our customers.

A Supportive Community

We were grateful to have shared the day with other incredible vendors such as Baby Rawr, Ascendance Kids World, Plowman Grocer, Namrita, MS(Psych) | Birth & Parenting, The Temptation, and a whole lot more. The spirit of camaraderie and mutual support was strong, making the IBU Bazaar not just a shopping destination, but a community.

As we packed up our booth at the end of the day, we were filled with gratitude. To all who visited us at the IBU Bazaar and especially to the Ibu Family crew for setting up the amazing event, a million thank you!

Your support fuels our passion and inspires us to continue creating tableware that tells a story.

Stay tuned for more updates and remember, there's always a reason for gifting. Follow us @theplatestory.co to see what new gift ideas we have in store for you!

Remember to check out our Children's Personalized Set and other collections on our website.

Happy dining!

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