What’s Waiting For Rat, Ox and Tiger Babies This 2023 (Chinese Zodiac)

What’s Waiting For Rat, Ox and Tiger Babies This 2023 (Chinese Zodiac)

The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, marks the transition from one animal to the next—2022 is the Year of the Tiger, which began on February 1st, 2022, and ends on January 21st, 2023. January 22, 2023 (Chinese New Year) will signal the start of the Year of the Water Rabbit.

Chinese Astrology is usually taken as a good luck charm by many. There are 12 animals that are assigned to each year of the lunar calendar in Chinese Astrology, and they represent the 12 years of life. The animal which falls under your birth year is referred to as the ruling animal, while the others are known as subsidiary animals.

If you are born in the following years: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, you are a Rat

If you're born in the years 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 then you are an Ox!

If you're born in 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, then you're definitely a Tiger!

Are you worried about what’s in store for the coming Chinese New Year? Or are you excited about the surprises ahead? Don’t worry, we’ve got it all covered.

Chinese Zodiac 2023

If you're a Rat, Ox and Tiger baby. Here’re the highlights of what life holds for you this 2023:

Love and Relationships

RAT: Single Rats will probably remain single throughout 2023, as they could meet several prospective mates but will discover either undesirable traits in a new romantic interest or else the person never meant to pursue anything serious with Rat.

Rats who are already partnered up may quarrel with their significant other, causing them to check out of the relationship and look elsewhere for something less troublesome. Regardless of how long you’ve been together, nurture your relationship by being open and honest with each other.

Most compatible with Rat: Ox, Dragon, Monkey

OX: It is likely that single Oxen will meet their soulmate this year, as the love-related “Tian Yi” star is powerful. However, please be aware that anyone you find attractive may attract other admirers if things move quickly enough. Even after you become an item, continue to treat your new partner with kindness and respect.

If you’re already paired off at the start of the year, you should enjoy a smooth and mutually affectionate 2023 with your partner. The only warning is that the Ox, while mild-tempered, can be stubborn at times. If you find yourself quarreling with your partner, try to compromise and remember: these are only minor disruptions in a relationship otherwise very satisfying. 

Most compatible with Ox: Rat, Snake, Rooster

TIGER: Single Tigers will find potential partners through their work, and begin dating right away. But because they are afraid to speak up about their feelings for fear of being misunderstood, the Tiger may end up alone this year—if technically not single.

Tigers who are partnered may frequently quarrel with their mates this year, leading to both stonewalling and distancing themselves from the relationship. It may be harder than usual to keep your emotions in check and remain rational when dealing with your partner. Try not to let jealousy or anger get the best of you; instead, try discussing problems as rationally as possible and see if that helps address any issues brewing between you two.

Most compatible with Tiger: Horse, Pig, Dog


RAT: Entering 2023, the career aspect of the Rat is in general trending up, however, due to the influences of Xing Tai Sui, they’ll most likely encounter obstacles in the workplace.

These temporary situations will resolve themselves in time, but Rat must address them head-on. Think of them as opportunities to learn—for example, how to maintain good relationships with your co-workers or make sure higher-ups notice you or people with resources notice your effort, which will be a huge boon for all Rats this year whether you work for a company or own your own business.

OX: By the year 2023, Oxen in public sectors will make great progress in their careers with help from higher-ups. Some may find themselves on the receiving end of a very generous promotion. The skills and talents of private-sector oxen will be put to good use in major projects. This will earn them the approval, respect—and even adoration—of both superiors and co-workers alike.

If you’re an entrepreneur, it may be possible that your business will grow significantly by the end of 2023. Be wary when looking for funding though, because not everyone is as honest and trustworthy as the Ox.

TIGER: The most important development for Tigers during this time will be an increase in leadership skills—don't be afraid to step up and make key decisions! Even as part of a team, the Tiger should not hesitate to voice their ideas and contribute to projects. This year their creativity will be rewarded with increased profits for the company and promotions or raises for themselves.

This year’s positive development may make you feel more confident or cocky than usual. Please channel your energy into your work rather than focusing on yourself—be assertive rather than aggressive, a decision maker rather than a despot. You’ll gain more respect from teammates and superiors alike by doing so.


RAT: The financial fortune of the Rat will rise, but this luck shouldn't be taken for granted because of the risk that he overspends on investments. The Rat may meet experts and more experienced investors who are willing to share their knowledge, but the Rat must keep an open mind.

The Rat can expect their earnings to increase by year’s end, provided they do not become discouraged when work initially slows during the early portion of 2023. Save as much money as you can, and put your extra cash into investments that will give you a bigger return over the long term.

OX: In 2023, you Ox-men should be prepared for your fortunes to fluctuate more than usual. The good news is that if you advance in your career, this will bring about sizable raises and bonuses.

The Ox is cautious about money in general, so chances are they’ll handle any financial situations well. Still, the Ox should be extra careful with their finances this year and make sure their accounts don’t get out of balance. It is better to invest in low-risk, modestly performing products than it is to chase high returns from risky ventures this year.

TIGER: Tigers will be able to make more money than they did in previous years, but this is likely due to increased income rather than investment or savings.

This year, the Tiger should avoid investing in anything—not even in your best friend's sure-fire business venture. The only return you'll see is money gone along with better days of friendship. The Tiger's finances will always be stretched to their limits, no matter how large the income.


RAT: For Rats under the age of 18, this year is all about learning. You're accumulating knowledge from books and classes as well as learning how to associate with your friends, classmates , teachers and even your parents. Always be humble and open, and when trouble pops up—whether it’s a cold shoulder from a friend or misunderstanding with your teachers—learn to navigate the situation rather than throwing your hands up in the air or blaming others. If you feel confused, ask your siblings or parents for help. This will be a valuable skill as you grow up.

While hard work will pay off, you may not see immediate results as you would like. Play the long game across all areas of life—and remember that your young age gives you a unique opportunity to learn from many experiences in 2023!

OX: You will have an excellent year in school as teachers notice your hard work and classmates appreciate you.

You’ll earn praise for any tests you take in 2023, but don't let that go to your head. Keep working hard and focus on the big picture: you want success—not just now, but later too.

TIGER: You'll find it hard to catch your breath this school year, with all of the extracurricular activities and advanced classes you've signed up for.

If you notice a decrease in your energy or mental acuity, talk with friends and family about how they can help support you.


RAT: Minor illnesses are likely to pop up in the year of 2023, so be sure to give your body proper nourishment and exercise. If anything feels off, head on over to the hospital for a checkup!

No matter how busy you are, make time for mild and regenerative forms of exercise like going for a walk in the park or biking to work. If you have existing health conditions, be sure to consult your doctor regularly.

OX: While some Oxen may experience health problems, for most of them these will be mild. To avoid these issues, take care of your body and visit the doctor for what may feel like a minor discomfort—major medical conditions can snowball from something that seems small at first.

The Ox should learn not to be bothered by irritations and minor disagreements with others. Avoid acting haughty or overconfident just because you’ve been promoted—keep your humble, hardworking attitude and try to stay Zen-like in stressful situations.

TIGER: Tigers can be vulnerable to stress, especially when they feel pressure to maintain key relationships outside of work. It falls on them to know their limits and learn when saying no is okay

It's important for Tigers to exercise more, because they tend not to be in the best of health. However, your body knows what it needs best—if only you'd listen!

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